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Mar 17, 20221 min read
"My lover who abandons me will not get far because his feet hurt so bad."
'Ariryeung,' which appears in a popular Korean folk song, refers to the name of a crest of a mountain. Finding our true self is like...

Mar 10, 20221 min read
This meditation has allowed me to focus on my study without the excess stress and worry.
As a student in my last year of school, this meditation has allowed me to focus on my study without the excess stress and worry. I’m so...

Mar 8, 20222 min read
Eyes to see | Picture world vs reality
I was in my third year at Uni in Wagga, studying Art and I was holding my first and only ever solo painting exhibition, in the old...

Mar 4, 20221 min read
Abandon and Coexist | Simply what this meditation is about
The poem Abandon and Coexist can simply summarize what this meditation is about : Abandoning the false human mind, the mind that not only...

Mar 3, 20222 min read
Our Perception becomes our Reality
When people reminisce about their visits to the main Meditation Centre in South Korea, they very often reflect wildly different memories...

Mar 1, 20222 min read
This is a miracle : Changing one’s mind to change one’s life
Approaching my 70th birthday I have only on rare occasions been in the ocean and have never actually swum in it. I always seemed to feel...

Feb 27, 20221 min read
Meditation Tips : How to let go
The habits and karma, which people have within their minds, do not disappear unless they are discarded. The way to let go is to eliminate...

Feb 27, 20223 min read
We can silence and discard our judgments
I am a little, if not a lot embarrassed to articulate my former feelings of judgement and prejudice with you - but here goes. This all...

Feb 25, 20221 min read
Life Tips : Key mindset for saving money and getting a good job
How to save money : Key Mindset If you want to save money, eliminate the mind that wants to spend money to compensate for your...

Feb 21, 20222 min read
We no longer need to feel afraid
I wake up every morning and spend the first twenty minutes or so of my day, sipping coffee and watching the morning news. It is always...

Feb 18, 20221 min read
Life Tips : How to organize or systematize your life
When people try to organize or systematize their lives, it is not easy to do so from their minds, which are their thoughts. This is...

Feb 15, 20221 min read
Clear Mind: How to cleanse your mind with meditation
The reason and purpose for cleansing the mind is that the human mind is an illusion and false. If one gets rid of the illusionary, false...

Feb 14, 20221 min read
How to live a good life | Life Tips
There is only one world, but the number of different worries people have is as many as the number of people living in the world, and...

Feb 9, 20221 min read
What is LOVE? True Meaning of Love
Love. True love is acceptance without expecting anything in return. People often use the words, "I love you." But this is said to control...

Feb 4, 20222 min read
A quick way, a short-cut, to becoming Truth?
Even before starting this Meditation, I always enjoyed reading books about the human mind, spirituality, and human consciousness. That’s...

Feb 3, 20221 min read
The writings that guide you to the enlightenment, to Truth
Do you know there is a method to be free from all the burdens of life? The way is here and available to everyone in the world. The...

Feb 1, 20221 min read
As Naked as the Day You Came
Alexander the Great tried to conquer the world with the sword but failed. On his deathbed, one of his three wishes was to be carried to...

Jan 31, 20221 min read
God | Do you believe in God?
It is often unclear what people mean, when they say that they don't believe in God. They are often rejecting the notion that God is a...

Jan 21, 20222 min read
How to have a Meeting with God Buddha Allah
Instead of fighting over religion, let's all become Truth and bring this world together as one. The new book by the author of 2021 Amazon...

Jan 19, 20222 min read
Freedom is possible : Free yourself from the slavery of the false world
We are all robots. Sure we are made of flesh and bone but the fact is that we behave and think as biological robotic mechanisms. It is...
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