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5 days ago2 min read
Awakening Forgotten Languages - and Our True Nature
Many decades ago, as a student, I studied the French language. I amassed a large vocabulary and mastered the grammar but my conversation...
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Jan 225 min read
The Logical Mystic: Debunking the myth that meditation is for this type of person or that type of person
Meditation often gets boxed into stereotypes: it’s seen as either a practice for deeply spiritual people, people with unusual mystical...
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Oct 26, 20221 min read
Method vs Tool | You Can Make Your Cake and Eat it Too
What sets this meditation apart is that there is a clear method. Talking with different people regarding various forms of meditation it...
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Apr 20, 20223 min read
Old age is all about dealing with loss...then, how?
Thoughts on passing level 2 later in life. I am sure that this statement will get an argument, but there is no more important time in...
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Apr 18, 20221 min read
I immediately knew I had struck gold!
I had previously read that the reason for why we humans suffer is because of our mind. When I found a pamphlet describing this meditation...
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Mar 21, 20221 min read
Does Meditation Help Depression?
Depression is when reality does not live up to one's desires and thoughts. This is when one develops depression. Such a phenomenon occurs...
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Mar 1, 20222 min read
This is a miracle : Changing one’s mind to change one’s life
Approaching my 70th birthday I have only on rare occasions been in the ocean and have never actually swum in it. I always seemed to feel...
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Feb 15, 20221 min read
Clear Mind: How to cleanse your mind with meditation
The reason and purpose for cleansing the mind is that the human mind is an illusion and false. If one gets rid of the illusionary, false...
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Nov 8, 20212 min read
Truly Discard Your Negative Mind and Find the True Truth
For every building that is made, there is a strong foundation and rigid frame which holds the structure in its position. It is this...
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Oct 31, 20212 min read
The level of pain and suffering I've been putting myself through...
I was recently going through my old writings and I discovered something that I had written several years before. After I reread the...
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Oct 29, 20212 min read
Meditation and Repetition
As we begin to progress through the levels of the Meditation, we are sometimes confronted with a feeling of overwhelming repetition. We...
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Oct 23, 20212 min read
You can throw away 'the ghosts' of your past
We appear to live within highly turbulent times, where catastrophic events keep occurring at an alarming frequency. It is as if reality...
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Oct 11, 20211 min read
Q : Why is it hard to move on?
It is hard to move on because I have countless thoughts in my head. The many experiences I have had in my life build up over the years,...
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Oct 10, 20211 min read
A virtual prison of fear and worries!
All too often, the problem with sickness and depression is exacerbated by the stress of worrying about what our future will bring. We...
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Sep 24, 20212 min read
We repair!
We don't do plumbing or fix faulty car engines but we do repair the most precious thing of all, human lives! Every day each one of us...
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Sep 21, 20211 min read
The biggest benefit however was to release my selfishness and be grateful
Chris Allenby What made you become interested in meditation? A friend of mine introduced me to meditation at a time when I was searching...
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Sep 21, 20212 min read
The best thing for me was being able to resolve my relationships with my family
What made you become interested in Meditation? I’ve been travelling for months now. Although I have been experiencing exciting things, I...
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