Sydney Meditation offers self-development workshops geared towards schools (teachers and students), companies, sports clubs, community organizations as well as the general public.
We hope this opportunity brings up the awareness and importance of mental health to many more people. When people find true #happiness, then they can contribute positively in creating a harmonious and #healthier society.
Self-development workshop: change your mind, change your life
The mind is the foundation of your well-being; the key to your happiness. Having an understanding of your mind is therefore crucial to living the life you want.
This #workshop offers insight into the mind, the underlying cause of #stress, and the #solution for getting rid of stress and becoming free. The following topics will be covered in the workshop: the link between stress and the mind, understanding the human mind and the cause of stress, understanding who I am fundamentally, and the solution to live free from stress. There is also a practical self-reflection component whereby participants will have the opportunity to understand their own mind.
General workshop content:
1. Warm-up: release tension/stress held in the body
2. Link between mind and stress
3. Understanding human mind and the cause of stress
4. Changing #perspective-understanding who I am
5. Practical self-reflection component
6. Solution to live stress free
7. Q & A and Feedback
(We will tailor the workshop to meet your organization’s particular needs.)
After the session, people often experience/have a greater understanding of:
1. Feel calmer and peaceful
2. Myself and what I hold in my mind
3. The cause of my unhappiness and the solution for living the life I want
If you would like to book a workshop for your organization, please contact us!
Online workshops are also available for remote places in Australia.
For Queensland, please contact Brisbane Meditation
For Western Australia, please contact Perth & Mandurah Meditation
For Victoria, please contact Melbourne Meditation
For New Zealand, please contact Auckland Meditation